Educating the Whole Child:
Mind, Body and Spirit.
Welcome to St. James the Apostle Catholic School!
St. James the Apostle Catholic School is now accepting applications for new students wishing to enroll for the upcoming school year. Vacancies at each grade level are filled by the order of registration within the following groups: First priority is given to children with a sibling already attending St. James the Apostle Catholic School. The children of parishioners of St. James the Apostle Catholic Church will be called next, followed by non-parishioners.
What are the age requirements?
1. Applicant will take an age-appropriate readiness test.
2. Submit the below for Admission.
The admissions committee will consider all of the available information regarding the applicant, and will determine his/her eligibility for admission. On the basis of character, academic records and promise, as well as the results of testing, the student will be admitted if there is availability in the appropriate grade level.
You will be informed of your child’s eligibility for enrollment upon completion of all the application requirements by enrollment time or as classroom space becomes available. If a child is not accepted due to space limitations, the admission file will be placed in a wait pool for the applicable school year. In the event space becomes available during the year, your child’s application will be considered at that time.
***Important: All applications that are submitted to St. James the Apostle Catholic School are given consideration. An opening in your child’s grade does not always guarantee acceptance. The admission process is designed to provide the right match between prospective students and St. James the Apostle Catholic School. A number of factors are considered in each admission decision including the review of academic records, the review of behavior and conduct records, teacher and principal recommendations, assessment results and interviews.
St. James Catholic School is open to all students regardless of race or ethnic background,
but preference must be given to students of the Catholic faith.